Issues before testing

We strive to ensure top quality for our Delvotest products and that is why we work under strict quality measures Read more in this article: Quality Control for Delvotest® products.

However, some issues can emerge over time or after our products have left our facilities. In this guide, you’ll find a list of common problems and helpful troubleshooting steps to resolve them.

  • Inconsistent agar 
  • Discoloration or infection 
  • Splashes
  • Liquid agar 

Inconsistent filling of purple agar

All ampoules and plates are visually checked prior to packaging. If upon arrival, tests are received as low purple agar filling the (blue/yellow) top sealing may have been incomplete and/or damaged. These tests should be discarded.

Infections / Yellow Agar

Delvotest® is microbial inhibition test. It consists of solid agar medium containing Geobacillus stearothermophilus, a pH indicator (bromocresol purple) and nutrients for the growth of the spores. 

Although all care is taken to prevent to any bacterial infections during production it may occasionally happen at opening a new box of Delvotest® that a yellow ampoule or a yellow well is visual. In this yellow ampoule or well an infecting bacterium has been able to grow at low temperatures and produces acid causing the purple agar turning to yellow  this test ampoule or well should be discarded. 

Splashes, Drops or Splatters

During the hot filling of the purple agar sometimes small droplets may occur.  These have no effect on the test performance. 

Larger drops, splatters, air-bubbles or the like, will be removed by visual inspection during packaging. [If you experience an issue, Please contact us via the FLOWBOT in our website.]

Liquid Agar

As an effect of too cold / frozen storage the purple agar gel can be liquified. These ampoules or plates should be discarded.  

Storage of tests contacting the refrigerator cold plate should be avoided to prevent this issue.

If test are received upon arrival as liquified, transport may be been under frozen conditions. [If you experience an issue, Please contact us via the FLOWBOT in our website.]