🚧 Delvotest® T · AFNOR Certification

What does AFNOR certified mean?

AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation) is a French standards organization responsible for developing and certifying norms across industries. It helps companies ensure their products and processes meet recognized quality, safety, and environmental standards, both in France and internationally.

NF Validation certifies the performance of commercial microbiological test kits used in food and water analysis. Through rigorous evaluations and independent audits, AFNOR ensures these methods meet quality standards, providing a reliable alternative to traditional testing methods. Certification is valid for four years, with ongoing monitoring and renewal processes.

What does the AFNOR certification include?

Delvotest® T is validated for the detection of antibiotic residues in raw cow's milk (individual and commingled). The validated scope of application includes the use of the Delvotest® Accelerator Smart (DAS) and Delvo®Scan with software version 5.08. It includes:

  • Independent validation testing by AFNOR (NF102) (referring go EU 2021-818) accepted and certified by an independent laboratory to read the official AFNOR validation study go here (🔗).
  • Interlaboratory testing: ring test validation by multiple independent laboratories   
  • Validation testing according the ISO 23758 Guidelines (🔗). 
  • On site AFNOR audits to inspect our Delvotest® T production facilities
  • Management of change control on Delvotest® T production / composition  

Test FormatDelvotest® Accelerator SmartVisualDelvo®Scan 
Delvotest® T // plates

Delvotest® T // ampoules