How do I start a test in my Delvotest Go device?

  1. Plug in device 
  2. Check if connected to the Wi-Fi, otherwise read article about Wi-Fi connectivity 
  3. Wait until device goes at 64°C (GREEN LIGHT)
  4. Gather materials (e.g. sample milk, ampoules, stickers, pipettes)
  5. Check that device is empty - picture 
  6. Close the lid 
  7. Select cow or goat / sheep 
  8. select bulk tank or animal level
  9. Enter batch (Where is my batch number?) 
  10. Select how many extra samples do you want to test? 
  11. prepare reference if required (1sample is usually reference and you can add up to 3 unknown samples of same species)
  12. Prepare samples as in the screens
  13. add ampoules in the slots 
  14. results will be shown in the app after 3.5h for T ampoules and 3h15 for SPNT