✅ Buttons and Light Indicators

In this article, we will explore the physical buttons and light indicators on the Delvotest® Accelerator Smart (DAS), which provide essential information to help you monitor and manage its operation.


The DAS features three physical buttons directly on top of its display. In following articles we will be using them in certain steps — but generally, here's what they mean:

▶️ Start
Typically used to initiate testing once everything's been properly prepared in the Incubation tab, or awake your DAS(es) from Energy Saving Mode.

⏹️ Stop
Typically used to abort testing or exiting Service Mode.

⚙️ Settings
Typically used in a 'long press format' (i.e., holding the button down for c. 10 seconds) to enter Service Mode.

Light Indicators

The DAS uses three separate light indicators—red, blue, and green—that are used in combination to signal its current state and required actions:

⬜⬜⬜ Self-checking

⬜🟦🟩 Heating, Energy Saving Mode, or Service Mode

⬜⬜🟩 Idle, or Operator

🟥🟦⬜ Insert Plate or Ready to Start

⬜🟦⬜ Running

🟥🟦🟩 Finished

Next Steps

Now that you are familiar with your DAS(es)'s physical buttons and light indicators, in the next article we will explore all the tabs and major components on the interface so you can navigate it with confidence.

⏭️ Next article: Introducing the Interface🔗

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