How to create a (default) Layout definition?

The layout definition can be created in two ways: by using user-interface or by creating a csv-file.

1) By User interface

The layout definitions are stored in the folder “\LayoutDefinition”. The layout definition can be created in the user-interface during the preparation of an incubation run. At the bottom side of the incubation page, the layout definition can be created, loaded and saved (see Figure below).NOTE: the Delvotest plate will be 180° rotated in the DAS heating grid. A01 well is located on the lower right corner of the grid.

To add a description to a cup, first click on the cell in the grid and then type the description. A cell of the purple grid will show the beginning of the added description. If the description does not fit in the cell, you can hoover above the cell to show a popup with the entire description. To define if a cup is a positive or negative reference, the related checkboxes can be flagged. Once finished click Update.

2) By Csv-file

For multiple samples (like when using a full plate) the easiest is to upload a file that contains all the sample information in advance. This layout definition is defined as a comma separated file and it is possible to create this file with an external application (such as a text editor or Excel). Please follow the steps below:  

  • Go to the “files” tab, into the “LayoutDefinition” folder. You will find an excel named “Example” or “dummy” or similar.
  • Download the "example" file.

It should look something like that, or similar depending on the local language excel settings. Rename/ save as the excel. Give a unique name. For example, you can use the batch-id and plate number on the sticker barcode for the plate that you want to incubate. (in the example below 22A03A30-215). Do not use special characters on the name, for example, ĂĽ, (umlaouts).  

  • Proceed, by filling in all the sample names; See example below: 

 It is not necessary to define information of all 96 cups. 

Note: a specific order of the cups is not needed, but content format must be exactly respected. (comma separated .csv file) 


  •  The layout file created with an external application can be uploaded from Prepare page using the Upload function. 

Note: while creating, loading and uploading the layout, the Operator name field must be empty, to allow the system to remain in the Prepare page and correctly load the data.

In the 'Setup' page the 'Default layout' definition and 'Use Predefined Layout' features can be defined. 

When the barcode is read by the DAS, it can load automatically the prepared layout-definition (predefined layout). This automatic loading of the unique (predefined) layout-definition can be enabled by checking the checkbox “Use predefined layout” from the “Incubation” or “Setup” page (will remain as standard setting).

Unique Layout Name of .csv file

For easy use and identification of the layout-definition files we recommend giving a unique Layout Name for each prepared csv-file. For example, include in the filename the unique ID of the plate, (e.g. 22A03A30-215), where

  • "22A03A30" is the batch-id and 
  • "215" is the plate number 

The batch-id and plate number can be found on the barcode sticker on the plate.

Do not use special characters on the file name. 

See also 'Setup features in the DAS'.