✅ Goat and Sheep Raw Milk Sample Analysis

The raw milk used in testing must be of high quality and adhere to the standards outlined in ISO 23758 Technical Guideline🔗. For goat or sheep raw milk analysis with Delvotest® T, we typically observe longer incubation times (c. 10~30 minutes extra, depending on composition specifications). To ensure consistency in test results, the following specifications apply.

Raw Co-mingled Milk Specification

Parameter Goat Sheep
Sample Source Raw, commingled milk from a minimum of four untreated animals in mid-lactation (20~100 days after kidding), with no antibiotics having been administered (untreated).
Fat 30~50 g/L 50~90 g/L
Protein 28~40 g/L 40~70 g/L
SCC* < 2,000,000 < 2,000,000
TBC/BCC** < 60,000 < 60,000
pH 6.6~6.9 6.6~6.9

* Somatic Cell Count
** Total Bacterial Count or Bacterial Cell Count

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