🚧 (Set up) // 'Update other devices' Feature

Link to broader Set up tab article


Dropdown Menu Options

  • Software
  • Color card
  • Operator names
  • Methods
  • Backup settings
  • Default layout definition

11. If you have more than one DASes on your network, now you can update all your other devices. First, make sure all your DASes are powered on and in Idle mode (mode will be displayed on the DAS's display as well as in the 'Overview' tab on the interface). Make sure you are in the interface using the IP address of the DAS you just updated.

12. Still in the Setup tab, just under the 'Software Version' section, you should see the 'Update other devices' section. Under 'Item', pick 'Software' from the dropdown list, and click the 'Start' button to begin the upgrade process across all connected devices.

Each device will need to be rebooted to active the new software. Once the 'Version' status displayed on the Overview tab reads 'done. Reboot to finish SW upgrade', it's time to turn that DAS off and on. You can also check that they have all updated successfully in the column of the Overview tab.