How do I install the Delvotest® Accelerator Smart?

- Materials needed: DAS + POWER SUPPLY + blue LAN cable + PC / laptop with chrome browser + Colorcard + Router (optional)

1) Connect the DAS to the power supply. (110-220v)

2) a) Connection of 1 DAS to PC

Connect the DAS to a router or a PC via an Ethernet cable (blue cable provided). The Ethernet port can be found at the back of the DAS.

2) b) Multiple DAS connection to PC (WIFI router required) 

Connect each blue cable to the DAS on one end to the wifi router on the other end. Connect the router to the PC/ laptop with a LAN cable. 

3) Wait about 60 seconds for the IP to appear on the DAS screen. (Restart the DAS if necessary) 


The IP-address of the DAS is automatically given by the DHCP-server (from the switch/router). The DHCP-server determines which device gets which IP-address and the assigned IP-address can change (in time), but in general a device will keep its IP-address.

4) Open the chrome browser and type the IP on the search bar. A page like the Figure below is shown.

5) Login as Administrator 

From the browser page Click on the header “Sign in” and sign in under “Administrator” and provide the password 'Admin'. The page will be refreshed, with more options. 

6) Under Setup procced with customizing your device settings

Confirm that the colorcard data file matches the code on the card received. 

7) Proceed with the calibrations (see how to calibrate the DAS)

8) For further information: 

Please refer to the quick installation manual below and consult the relevant sections in FAQs. 


  • Steps for first time installation of the DAS. 
  • DAS initial setup of equipment after purchase
  • How do I connect the device to my computer?