Upgrade software
New software for the DAS is embedded in file called version_X.tar.bz2, where X is a version number.
The procedure below defines how to upgrade a single DAS or multiple DAS devices.
During the software upgrade process, new software is installed next to the current “running” software. The running software remains active until shutdown of the DAS and when the DAS is rebooted the newly installed software will be used. When the DAS is started, it will start the software with the highest version number (in general, the newly installed software). The new software will still use the same methods, setup and calibrations as the old software.
- Upgrade one device
The installation of new software has three steps:
1. Copy file (with new software) to DAS.
Open the Setup page and go to the section “software version” (see Figure 23). Press on the button “Choose file” and a file dialog will be opened. Select the file with new software (filename = version_xyz.tar.bz2, where xyz is a version number) and press afterwards on the button “Upload file” and wait until the loading is finished. (The track of software loading will be seen on the left top of the screen as per following picture)
The value of “new package” should be updated and a button “Upgrade software” is shown (see image below).
2. Extract file and install software
Press on the button “Upgrade software” and the new software will be extracted and installed. During this action a progress bar will be shown as indication for the required time to install the software. After the installation of the software, the value of the “Last installed version” should be updated (see below).
3. Reboot DAS
The old software remains active until the DAS is rebooted.
Option 1: Turn off and on the DAS
Option2: Restart application in setup page as per below image
The DAS will be disconnected and the following page will appear, wait 30 seconds and refresh the browser.
After a reboot, the current version should be updated. (as per below image)
- Upgrade multiple devices
NOTE: Do not upgrade software on DAS devices while they are running an incubation.
To upgrade the software of multiple devices in the same network, the following procedure should be executed:
1. Upgrade software of one DAS (see previous section "Upgrade one device")
2. Power up all DAS devices in the same network and wait to reach “idle” mode
3. Go to the Setup page of the DAS that has the latest update, go to section Update other devices, select the item Software (see Figure below), then at Update other devices click Start.
4. Wait to finish the upgrade progress and monitor progress via the Overview page (see Figure below).
5. Reboot all devices
- Remove current software version (under DSM advice)
In software version 0.1.99 or higher the user can revert to the previously installed software version. The “Remove current Software” button is accessible via the setup page menu under Administration login. It is recommended to proceed with software removal only after consultation with a DSM representative.
- To recover the previous software version, select the option “Remove current software”. The connection will be lost.
- Refresh the browser and the previously installed software version will be shown on the screen.
- Press the button “Restart application” or reboot the DAS.
- What are the software upgrade procedures?