RESULTS ADV 2. // What formats are available for results export?

When an incubation run has been performed, the results will be stored on the DAS. The results of each test can be retrieved from the DAS as csv-file and pdf-file. To get an overview of the executed tests, the Database functionality can be used. The Database page will be shown when the header Database is clicked.

For each measurement a folder is stored under the 'Files' page, inside 'Tests'. The DAS stores the measurements of each incubation run are stored in folder The following files are stored:

    • Test Report (csv-file) For details on content see question "What information does the results csv-file contain?"
    • Raw images (every 30 minutes and at the end of the test)
    • Measurement.dat.gz is a file, which contains raw measurement data
    • Summary.dat is a small file, which contains a summary of the incubation run
    • PDF-file showing the incubation results in a table. 

The filename has the following format: “Devicename_Batchnr_PlateNr_DateTime_DA3_Results.pdf” and summarizes the incubation data and results for a quick view as shown in the example below: