How often should the device be calibrated?

Before an incubation run is started, DAS verifies if the calibration has been executed and if the calibration is valid.

In the Figure below gives an example of the warnings shown when calibration is expired. After re-calibration the warning can be closed by clicking on the righthand X.

The period of validity can be defined in the Setup page. (Login as Administrator "Admin")  
Scroll down to find and adjust the following fields: 

Nr days warning calibration valid: A warning appears when calibration has not been done for this number of days. An incubation run can be still performed.

Nr days Calibration valid: Calibration must be done before running an incubation if it has not been done for these many days.
The maximum allowed limit is 365 days. 

DSM recommends to perform all calibrations at least every 180 days. 
In case the DAS is transported, it is advised to re-calibrate the DAS.

To view how many days the current calibrations are still valid, go to the "Calibrations" tab. 

The shown date is the date (reference) to the calibration that is active on the DAS. The text of the age has color with the following meaning:

• Green: if the age of the calibration is 0 days.

• Red: if the calibration is outdated or invalid.

• Orange: if the warning for outdated calibration is reached.

• Black: within set validity time.