✅ Introducing the Interface

In this article, we will explore all the tabs and major components on your Delvotest® Accelerator Smart (DAS) interface so you can navigate it with confidence.

Tabs and Admin Sign In 

In a previous article, we outlined how to access your DAS(es)'s interface🔗. Once loaded, the Incubation tab should open:

When you are not signed in, the interface will only display the Incubation, Overview and Database tabs at the top. However, by signing in as the administrator, four other tab options should become available: the Files, Settings, Calibration and Set up tabs. To sign in as the administrator, simply follow the steps below:

Step 1
Click on the Sign In option on the top-right corner.

Step 2
The following screen should then appear, where all you need to do is first select the Administrator option in the Username dropdown menu, then enter 'Admin' in the Password input field, and lastly click on the Sign In button. 

Once you have successfully signed in as the administrator, the following tabs should now be accessible:

Each tab on your interface has a distinct purpose. Below is a high-level introduction with a catalogue of links to relevant articles where you can find out more about how each tab's page is structured, and what actions can be executed from them. However, if this is your first time setting up your DAS(es), we suggest carrying on to the 'Next Steps' section below to continue the installation and setup process.

  • Incubation tab
    This is where you set up tests.
    Detailed article🔗

  • Overview tab
    This is where you can see a summary of  your DAS(es) on your network, allowing you to directly access individual DAS(es) and monitor their status.
    Detailed article🔗

  • Database tab
    This is where you can access data from all previous tests.
    Detailed article🔗

  • Sign In tab
    This is where you can either sign in or sign out as an administrator, as outlined above.

  • Files tab
    This is where you can directly access all the relevant files in your DAS's internal directory.
    Detailed article🔗

  • Settings tab
    Though not typically used except in cases where our expert support is warranted for adapting algorithmic methods to non-standard matrices prior, during and after a tailored local validation🔗 this is where you can see the parametric outline of your DAS(es) methods.
    Detailed article🔗

  • Calibration tab
    This is where you can see your latest calibration data and also execute new calibrations.
    Detailed article🔗

  • Set up tab
    This is where you can access a range of important settings, including language choice, setting up operators, updating software, and much more.
    Detailed article🔗

  • Language banner
    Is your DAS set in a language other than English? Simply click on the flag banner to revert it.

Next Steps

Now that you're familiar with all the tabs and major interface components, the next crucial step is to ensure your DAS(es) have been properly localised.

⏭️ Next article: Localising Date and Time, and Language🔗

💬 Got any questions? Need help? Contact us at support@delvotest.com