๐Ÿงฉ Results Data // .pdf

In a previous article, we introduced the different types of results data๐Ÿ”— the Delvotestยฎ Accelerator Smart (DAS) generates during and after testing, and how to access them. One of these is an easy-to-read .pdf (Portable Document Format) file report containing the final plate table's results (including Z-values) and high-level, critical metadata (e.g., operator, temperature, etc.). In this article, we explore this report file in depth. 

โ—Do not open, extract nor navigate in a Test subfolder during running an incubation as this will result in aborting the running test.  Only access the test subfolder once the incubation is completed. 

Access and Structure

To access one of these .pdf reports, simply follow the steps outlined in Introducing Results๐Ÿ”—. Once you have the file, you should see something like this:

If you'd like to get this example file, here's a download link๐Ÿ”—. // add link

Similar to the Incubation tab๐Ÿ”—, the report is divided in two main sections: at the top, a Summary Data Section textually outlining critical, overarching information about the test; and, at the bottom, a final, data-enriched Plate Table Section reflecting the results of the wells as set in the Incubation tab's Plate table subsection๐Ÿ”—.

Summary Data Section

This section typically contains fourteen report fields. Here's what each means, and, when relevant, where you can find more information about them.

Measurement Name
The unique identifier which follows its respective Test subfolder's name and its naming convention๐Ÿ”—.

Device Name
The DAS's which executed the test's name, which you can view and edit๐Ÿ”—in the Set up tab

The name of the operator selected when preparing the test๐Ÿ”— in the Incubation tab's Operator dropdown field๐Ÿ”—.
Your list of operators is also available for you to view and edit๐Ÿ”—in the Set up tab.  

The date when the test started, defined according to this DAS's customisable localisation settings๐Ÿ”—. It is formatted with hyphen ('-') delimiters between its year (four digits), month (two digits), and day (two digits) values.
e.g., for 5 December 2024, the result should be 2024-12-05.

The test line of your Delvotestยฎ plate, as automatically identified by the DAS when preparing the test๐Ÿ”— in the Incubation tab's Product name field๐Ÿ”—.

Start time
The time the test started, defined according to this DAS's customisable localisation settings๐Ÿ”—. It's formatted using a 24-hour clock, with colon (':') delimiters between its hour (two digits), minute (two digits), and seconds (two digits) values.
โˆด HH:MM:SS
e.g., for 11:55:22 (AM), the result should be 11:55:22.

Batch Number
The data identified either during automatic barcode scanning or manual barcode input๐Ÿ”— when preparing the test in the Incubation tab's Batch number field๐Ÿ”—.

Plate Number
The data identified either during automatic barcode scanning or manual barcode input๐Ÿ”— when preparing the test in the Incubation tab's Plate number field๐Ÿ”—.

The data selected when preparing the test in the Incubation tab's Inhibitor method dropdown field๐Ÿ”—.

Incubation time
The total time taken for the plate's incubationโ€”which, based on the DAS's Working Principle๐Ÿ”— is incidentally also the plate's Control Time๐Ÿ”—. It's formatted with colon (':') delimiters between its hour (two digits), minute (two digits), and seconds (two digits) values.
โˆด HH:MM:SS
e.g., for a test that took 3 hours, 19 minutes and 4 seconds, the result should be 03:19:04.

The data entered when preparing the test๐Ÿ”— in the Incubation tab's Comments field๐Ÿ”—.

Comments After
This is an optional comment given by the user after the incubation has finished and the results are displayed in the browser. The comment can be entered on the step โ€˜Check resultsโ€™ when following the โ€˜Running your first test, step by step guideโ€™ ๐Ÿ”— 

Whenever the DAS detects abnormal performance, like in this example, it will textually describe the issue(s) in this section of the report. There are series of potential outcomes, which we explore as a troubleshooting centre in Introducing Results Warnings๐Ÿ”—. 

Temperature [mean / min / max]
Every minute during testing, the DAS captures temperature data, where, in this field of the report, the overall median, minimum and maximum values are summarised.

Plate Table Section

This section reflects the Incubation tab's Plate table subsection๐Ÿ”—. Every plate-well contains the following data:

Colour coding
 Every plate-well's NEGATIVE and POSITIVE results are, respectively, colour-coded in green and red. In circumstances where no result is established for a plate-well โ€” e.g., due to an error during testing, or when only a/some plate-strip(s) are tested โ€”, this will be colour-coded in grey.

Nref and Pref
For plate-wells where either a NEGATIVE or POSITIVE reference control was denoted when preparing the test๐Ÿ”— in the Incubation tab's Negative and Positive checkboxes๐Ÿ”—, this information will be reflected here in this PDF e report. A well that is marked as negative control will display โ€˜Nrefโ€™ next to the Z-values, whereas a marked positive control will show โ€˜Prefโ€™. 

๐Ÿ’กBy the way, did you know that even if you indicate a sample is a reference control, the DAS will still test it without presuming its performance prior? This is part of the DAS's way of ensuring continuous verification for your reference controls as part of its  Working Principle๐Ÿ”—.

Based on the DAS's Working Principle๐Ÿ”—, every plate-well cell also reports its final Z-scale value as determined at Control Time๐Ÿ”—. The Z-values are not in any way making Delvotestยฎ quantitative. The test remains a qualitative POS or NEG test based on microbial inhibition.

File Naming Convention

Particularly helpful for automating reporting functions when integrating DAS data flows with your systems e.g., Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), this report file follows a standard naming convention: 

[Device Name]_[Batch Number]_[Plate Number]_[Date]-[Time]_[DA3]_Results.pdf

[Device Name]
The DAS's which executed the test's name, a parameter you can view and edit๐Ÿ”—in the Set up tab.

Single underscore ('_').

[Batch Number]
The data identified either during automatic barcode scanning or manual barcode input๐Ÿ”— when preparing the test in the Incubation tab's Batch number field๐Ÿ”—.

Single underscore ('_').

[Plate Number]
The data identified either during automatic barcode scanning or manual barcode input๐Ÿ”— when preparing the test in the Incubation tab's Plate number field๐Ÿ”—.

Single underscore ('_').

The date when the test started, defined according to this DAS's customisable localisation settings๐Ÿ”—. It's formatted without delimiters between its year (four digits), month (two digits), and day (two digits) values.
e.g., for 5 December 2024, the result should be 20241205.

Single hyphen ('-).

The time the test started, defined according to this DAS's customisable localisation settings๐Ÿ”—. It's formatted using a 24-hour clock, without delimiters between its hour (two digits), minute (two digits), and seconds (two digits) values.
e.g., for 11:55:22 (AM), the result should be 115522.

Single underscore ('_').

Simply the text 'DA3', not dependently determined on any external function/logic other than the fact that this is a report file.

Single underscore ('_') delimiter.

Simply the text 'Results', not dependently determined on any external function/logic other than the fact that this is a report file.

The file's type extension (i.e., Portable Document Format). 

So, when considering this example's file (download link๐Ÿ”—) // add link // , you should see the following: 


This means that this was a tested conducted by a device named DAS_1112 (i.e., [Device Name] = DAS_1112), with a Delvotestยฎ plate from batch 24K08B30 (i.e., [Batch Number] = 24K08B30), of which this was the 360แต—สฐ plate from that batch (i.e., [Plate Number] = 360), where the test began on 5 December 2024 (i.e., [Date] = 20241205), at 11:55:22 AM (i.e., [Time] = 115522), followed by the standard text and filetype (i.e., [DA3_Results.pdf] = typical ending on PDF result files). 

Next Steps

If this is the first type of results data๐Ÿ”— you've explored in depth, a great next step is to have a look at a more detailed results data type the DAS also generates for every testโ€”which, incidentally, is the critical file needed to build results backwards data integration automation with your LIMS.

โญ๏ธ Next series: Results Data // .csv๐Ÿ”—

๐Ÿ’ฌ Got any questions? Need help? Get in touch support@delvotest.com