In a previous article, we introduced the different types of results data🔗 the Delvotest® Accelerator Smart (DAS) generates during and after testing, and how to access them. One of these is the go-to format for advanced data analysis and auditing, containing a detailed, minute-by-minute view of each plate-well (e.g., ID, Z-values, etc.), and external measurements (e.g., operator, temperature, method, etc.). In this article, we explore this report file in depth.
Access and Structure
To access one of these .csv reports, simply follow the steps outlined in Introducing Results🔗.Once you open the file in your software of choice (e.g., Microsoft Excel), you should see something like this:
// image placeholder //
If you'd like to get this example file, here's the download link🔗. // add link
Consolidated in a single data sheet, the report contains four tables. In order, from top to bottom, including their immutable (i.e., always at the same place) row-line identifiers, here's what they are:
Rows 1-2
Summary Data Section
Outlining critical, overarching information about the test // Similar to .pdf
Rows 4-100
Plate Table Section
Similar to // data-enriched Plate Table Section reflecting the Incubation tab's Plate table subsection🔗
Rows 102-120
Method Settings and Warnings Section
Reflecting the // Settings tab
Rows 122-123
Detailed Temperature Data Section
Explanation //
Summary Data Section
This section contains thirteen report fields as column headers (Row 1), and data (Row 2). Following the data in the example file (download link🔗) // add link //, here's what each column header name means, and, when relevant, where you can find more information.
Column Label: A
Example Data: Guilherme Augusto
The name of the operator selected when preparing the test🔗 in the Incubation tab's Operator dropdown field🔗.
Your list of operators is also available for you to view and edit🔗in the Set up tab.
Column Label: B
Example Data: DAS_1112
The DAS's which executed the test's name, which you can view and edit🔗in the Set up tab.
Column Label: C
Example Data: 2024-12-05
The date when the test started, defined according to this DAS's customisable localisation settings🔗. It's formatted with hyphen ('-') delimiters between its year (four digits), month (two digits), and day (two digits) values.
e.g., for 5 December 2024, the result should be 2024-12-05.
Column Label: D
Example Data: 11:55:02
The time the test started, using a 24-hour clock, formatted with colon (':') delimiters between its hour (two digits), minute (two digits), and seconds (two digits) values.
e.g., for 11:55:22 (AM), the result should be 11:55:22.
Column Label: E
Example Data: DELVOTEST T
The test line of your Delvotest® plate, as automatically identified by the DAS when preparing the test🔗 in the Incubation tab's Product name field🔗.
Column Label: F
Example Data: 03:19:04
The total time taken for the plate's incubation—which, based on the DAS's Working Principle🔗 is incidentally also the plate's Control Time🔗. It's formatted with colon (':') delimiters between its hour (two digits), minute (two digits), and seconds (two digits) values.
e.g., for a test that took 3 hours, 19 minutes and 4 seconds, the result should be 03:19:04.
Comment before
Column Label: G
Example Data: my first test // need to change underlying data so M is capitalised, and review articles with this dependency
The data entered when preparing the test🔗 in the Incubation tab's Comments field🔗.
Lot# & Plate#
Column Label: H
Example Data: 8+("03609+(30006hosf
Raw, encrypted data from the scanned barcode.
Column Label: I
Example Data: 24K08B30
The data identified either during automatic barcode scanning or manual barcode input🔗 when preparing the test in the Incubation tab's Batch number field🔗.
Column Label: J
Example Data: 360
The data identified either during automatic barcode scanning or manual barcode input🔗 when preparing the test in the Incubation tab's Plate number field🔗.
Expiration date
Column Label: K
Example Data: 2025-11-08
Expiry date of the test plate.
Column Label: L
Example Data: 0004__20241205-115522
The unique identifier which follows its respective Test subfolder's name and its naming convention🔗.
Comment after
Column Label: M
Example Data: // need to add some data, and link where relevant where we explain when this data is usually entered, where, how //
Any comment provided after the incubation is complete.
Plate Table Section
This section contains four report fields as column headers (Row 4), and data (Rows 5 to 100). Following the data in the example file (download link🔗) // add link //, here's what each column header name means, and, when relevant, where you can find more information.
Column Label: A
Example Data: A01
Every Delvotest® plate's plate-wells contains unique identifying coordinates🔗. In this .csv results data file, rows 5 to 100 list all possible plate-wells in a Delvotest® plate (i.e., from A1 to H12), in order of plate-column label and, then, plate-row label—i.e., all 'A' plate-wells first, from plate-rows 1 to 12, followed by all 'B' plate-wells, and so on. Importantly, here all plate-row labels are standardised in a two-digit format, where, for example, instead of 'A1' it is instead noted as 'A01'. Lastly, even when plate-wells are not tested (e.g., when testing plate-strips), these rows will still be present, albeit with no data generated for the Z-value, Result, and Description columns (see below).
Column Label: B
Example Data: -9.15
Based on the DAS's Working Principle🔗, this column reports each plate-well's final Z-scale value as determined at Control Time🔗, within two decimal points.
Column Label: C
Example Data: neg
Based on the DAS's Working Principle🔗, this column reports each plate-well's final NEGATIVE or POSITIVE results as determined at Control Time🔗. It does this textually, in lowercase abbreviations of these outcomes respectively—i.e., 'neg' or 'pos'.
Column Label: D
Example Data: Bulktank7794
// Need to figure out when it's a NEGATIVE or POSITIVE control, the addition of [NEG] vs [POS] if this is in addition, or replaces comment in that cell — need to test it out and check //
Method Settings and Warnings Section
The section contains nineteen report fields, with each field presented as an individual row (Rows 102 to 120). Each row includes:
- A header in the first column, identifying the field (e.g., name, temperatureSetpoint, maximumIncubationTime); and
- The reported data in the second column, corresponding to the value for that field (e.g., method-DelvoT, 64.0, 14400.0).
Rows 102 to 119 correspond to the method selected in the Incubation tab's Inhibitor method dropdown field🔗 when preparing the test, whose parameters are defined in the Settings tab🔗.
Row 120 reports any textual warnings the DAS generates whenever abnormal performance is detected—which you can learn more about in Introducing Results Warnings🔗.
Detailed Temperature Data Section
This section logs the incubation temperature data in a horizontal format, with time and corresponding temperature values presented across columns. It is structured as follows:
- Row 122 contains the time headers, where the first cell is labelled Time [min], and each subsequent cell row represents a specific minute (with one decimal point) of the incubation process—starting from 0.0 and increasing incrementally by one minute (e.g., 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc.).
- Row 123 contains the corresponding temperature data, where the first cell is labelled Temperature°, and each subsequent cell reports the temperature measured (with one decimal point) at the corresponding time indicated in Row 122.
File Naming Convention
Particularly helpful for automating reporting functions when integrating DAS data flows with your systems e.g., Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), except for its file format, this .csv report file follows the same standard naming convention as the .pdf results file🔗.
// Will need to adapt the positioning here, and probably just having an overarching LIMS Automation / Automation section will make more sense on its own //
// Question: do they need to get the 'backup' stuff working to make this happen? (I guess so); we should set out a bit of the next steps in regards to this, where effectively they need to know the key facts, structures and access points to configure everything. //
Next Steps
If this is the first type of results data🔗 you've explored in depth, a great next step is to have a look at the raw image files the DAS also generates for every test.
⏭️ Next series: Results Data // Raw images🔗
💬 Got any questions? Need help? Get in touch